Graphic Design Courses Saltcoats

Graphic Design Courses Saltcoats

Graphic design plays a vital role in brand creation and, at the same time, in displaying your talents. While branding and design go hand-in-hand, it is necessary to learn the basics of graphic design before embarking on any new task related to design.

When working with companies, you have only one chance to make a good first impression. Infuse your background with the understanding and application of design elements to a variety of projects — social network templates, web and smartphone UI, animations, banners, advertising, etc.

To work as a professional graphic designer, you need to have an excellent grasp on the principles of design, including a sense of colour, contrast and size. Often graphic designers use a range of software, such as InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator, to help create and optimise their projects. Check out the Blue Sky Graphics graphic design course to learn and practice the art of graphic design!

Elements of Graphic Design


Balance brings stability and order to the overall architecture. To grasp it better, assume there is weight behind each of the design elements. Shapes, text boxes and photographs are the components that make up the design, so it is crucial to know the visual weight of each of these elements. It does not mean that the elements all have to be uniformly divided or that they have to be of equal size — the balance is either symmetrical or asymmetrical.

Elements of Graphic Design
Elements of Graphic Design

The symmetrical balance is where the weight of the components is equally distributed on either side of the design. In contrast, the asymmetrical balance uses size, contrast and colour to create flow in the design.


Proximity tends to establish a bond between identical or connected components. These components should not need to be grouped; instead, they can be visually related by font, colour, scale, etc.


Alignment plays a crucial role in providing a smooth visual link to the design components. It gives an organised look to pictures, forms, and blocks of text by removing the elements put chaotically.

Visual Hierarchy

A visual hierarchy is created when extra visual weight is assigned to the most significant feature or message in the design. It can be done in a multitude of ways — through using larger or bolder fonts to emphasise the title; by holding the main message higher than the other design elements; or by bringing emphasis to larger, more informative and vibrant graphics than those less important or smaller images.


Contrast arises where there is a disparity between the two contrasting design elements. The most popular forms of comparison are dark vs bright, contemporary vs ancient, big vs small, etc. Contrast directs the viewer’s focus on essential items, meaning that each hand is legible.


Colour is an important fundamental decoration and determines the overall mood of the design. The colours you choose reflect the brand and its sound, so be careful about the palette you choose.

As a graphic artist, it is often helpful to have a clear understanding of colour theory, for example, gold and neutral tones elicit an overall sense of elegance, vivid colours signal pleasure, and blue produces a sensation of calmness. Colour palettes may be used as a contrast, or also to compliment the elements.