“Stunning portfolio created by the very end and very pleased with all I’ve learnt. The course is all kinds of awesomeness and I highly recommend it”
Sanna Ahmed
Student portfolio
A highly comprehensive student portfolio based on what employers are actually looking for.
A super impressive graphic design student portfolio is your ticket to professional success. It is your calling card and your style in identity of all that’s been accomplished. It has to rock and we’ll help you get there!
Under expert guidance from graphic designers that come from industry, our courses are designed to enable you to make your very own commercial portfolio.
Creating a thoughtful graphic design portfolio that is unique and creative yet with variety in high resolution and in current keeping is a task open to interpretation.
There’s no one single way to lay a portfolio out but depending on the course, the student will be taught how to operate and work in graphic design, colour theory, web design, designing home pages and internal pages. Photoshop, Illustrator and WordPress.
Our Campaign for the European Union – Council of Europe
A portfolio will be made in each of our courses albeit Graphic Design, Web Design or UX-UI Design. On completion of the Web Design Course, you will be certified having attained full working knowledge in the form of a Web Designer certificate.
You will be able to work with a large variety of graphic designs which vary according to the requirements of the client, the brand’s cultural identity, the high-tech sector or the company image. Today, a design portfolio is an important resume of work. It is arguably more important to have a portfolio than to have a college certificate alone saying you are qualified for example. With moving trends certificates alone no longer open doors by their own entity.
The emphasis in the graphic design portfolio is on working with the correct graphics composition, using colours correctly according to the colour theory and maintaining the design rules. Graphic design rules are taught throughout the course of studies and the emphasis is focused on making a portfolio that is built during the course. When students take our one-on-one graphic design course, they succeed in making a more professional portfolio.
Scott Grant
Sergey Lutsenko
The student portfolio is key to employability similar to a CV or resume.
A portfolio of your design work is the most important thing needed in the industry today. During your classes, you will create a digital portfolio under expert guidance.
In the framework of your classes, you will learn the graphic design laws of Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. Together with your own private tutor you will build a portfolio, a fundamental requirement for getting jobs in this field.
In today’s market, employers look for a portfolio which takes precedent over certificates or diplomas – a bit like a CV or resume which opens doors in the world of graphic design.
The portfolio will include graphic works from various software, from design works created in Photoshop to image manipulation, and marketing adverts or promotions on Facebook. We will cover a variety of modules in the syllabus including how to make advertising banners attracting traffic to websites and marketing advertisements in print. We will combine other software in combination with Photoshop, Illustrator and the InDesign during this process.
Ailsa Littler-Davis
Jay Buckham

Graphic Designer’s Certificate
As part of your classes, you will work constantly on designing your portfolio. At the end of the course, you will achieve a Graphic Designer’s Certificate.
Lianne Murphy
What employers and future clients are looking at in our portfolio?
A graphic design portfolio is usually the single element a client will want to see when choosing a Graphic Designer — thereby making it fundamental for proving yourself as a designer.
The portfolio must be professionally thought out and exhibit usually between 12 to 15 pieces of works in various fields. These pieces of work will include logos and business images and designs of sale advertisements.
Graphic design is present across a number of industries today including graphic design in fashion, digital drawings and simulations, hi-tech companies, product development and assimilation of photographic processes.
As part of your classes your Blue Sky Graphics tutor will prepare you for all industries by exposing you in a multi-disciplinary way and to enable you to control all aspects of design, not necessarily in just one niche of the advertising world.