Graphic Design Courses Amersham

Graphic Design Courses Amersham

The value of graphic design cannot be emphasised enough when it comes to creating a brand and showcasing skills. Branding and design go hand in hand, so it is important to grasp the fundamental concepts of graphic design before starting on a new project.

Fundamentals of Graphic Design

Graphic designers have this only opportunity to leave a first lasting impression when working with clients so that they can use all their experience and expertise when applying design elements to various projects, such as ads, banners, social media graphics, images, web and app UIs, among others. Designers do not need to abide by all the rules, but rather have fun doing the job.

Graphic designers should use their imagination and think outside the box to avoid creating a standard or repetitive design structure. However, those that are new to graphic design should be familiar with the prescribed sections. It is, therefore, necessary to understand the fundamentals of graphic design to create outstanding graphics.


Balance gives the design structure and stability. Designers should assume that develop components weight each of them for a better understanding. The design consists of elements such as pictures, shapes and text boxes, so it is important to know the visual weight of each element. Objects do not always have to be uniformly distributed or equal in scale.

The two forms of balance are symmetrical and asymmetrical. Symmetric equilibrium is the even weight distribution on both sides of a pattern, whereas asymmetric equilibrium uses colour, contrast and scale to maintain flow.

Fundamentals of Graphic Design
Fundamentals of Graphic Design


The theory of proximity implies the creation of a relationship between similar elements. They do not have to be grouped together but rather visually related in terms of colour, font and scale, to name a few.

Visual Hierarchy

Visual hierarchy is how objects or messages are viewed and organised following their significance in the design. This can be achieved in a number of ways, such as using bolder or larger fonts to illustrate the title; placing the main message above other design elements; or relying more on bigger, more vibrant and more informative visuals than smaller or less important images.


In particular, the concept of consistency is fundamental in terms of branding. As elements such as logo and colour are continuously replicated, this creates a flow and enhances the style, making it easier for viewers to identify and remember the brand.


Contrast is the concept of the arrangement of opposing design elements. Some of the contrasting elements are small vs. big, dark vs. light and contemporary vs. old-fashioned, among others. Contrast draws the attention of audiences and helps them to focus on more critical elements.


The right alignment in the web design makes it more visually appealing through seamless visual links to design elements. The blocks of text, pictures and shapes are in an ordered fashion, while the items that are organised chaotically are eliminated.

Why should you opt for Online Lessons?

Online courses have become very popular with students from all walks of life. The online choice has removed the need for a physical classroom, which is the conventional education system. As long as you have connectivity, you can launch your dream career in a good time. Many factors have made online learning appealing, including the many advantages that come with this kind of learning.

Blue Sky Graphics is an online school in the UK that provides a graphic design course for beginners and experts. The feature that makes the online course so appealing is that you can learn at your own speed. It is an attribute that benefits all kinds of learning abilities.

If you are a slow learner, then you can take all the time you need to understand what is going on in your course so that you can eventually get through. This also makes it possible for students to focus a little longer on subjects or areas that they feel are a little complicated and require more time before moving on to the course or programme.
A physical classroom atmosphere involves sitting on very uncomfortable chairs for the most part of the day. With online learning options, you can get as relaxed as you want. You can learn right from your couch and in a fun setting. It is a very strong advantage and can significantly boost your performance, provided that when you are relaxed, it is easy to concentrate on the subject at hand. It is harder for the mind to wander about.