Graphic Design Course Syllabus
The following modules are broken down into objective chunks covering the basic as well as the advanced aspects of graphic design.
The Graphic Design Course syllabus is structured in a way to cover the comprehensive major and minor subjects related to graphic design.
Graphic design is a form of visual communication that is a diverse and constantly reformulating practice that uses a wide range of technical processes to engage with audiences. The graphic design course introduces you to a range of working methods, practices and techniques.
With BSG understanding how to solve creative problems and using established theory with professional design software is the key to making an incredible design portfolio.
The course lasts just over 7 months and comprises of :
* Photoshop x 11 classes ( 90 minutes each class )
* Illustrator x 13 classes ( 90 minutes each class )
* InDesign x 3 classes ( 90 minutes each class )
You will explore a range of technical skills and will be encouraged to investigate new approaches, combine existing techniques and explore traditional methods to develop innovative outputs. Fundamental to your professional success during the course you will make your own commercial portfolio.
Module Outline
Module 1 Introduction to Modern Graphic Design
Module 2 Design Building Blocks Essentials
Module 3 All About Typography
Module 4 Colour and Colour Theory
Module 5 Advertisements, Publications, Photography and Visual Identity
Module 6 Logotype Shape Designs and Organisation of Documents
Module 7 Layout Design and Collage
Module 8 Graphics Enhancement and Systems
Module 9 Preparing your Portfolio and Course Consolidation
1. Introduction to Modern Graphic Design
This objective aim covers a brief history overview and modern application related to design concerning working with colleagues and clients, as well as important technical, and design-related information.
- Identify the purpose, audience, and audience needs for preparing images.
- Determine whether content is relevant to the purpose, audience, and audience needs.
- Understanding key differences of Creativity vs Innovation, the Creative/Design Process and Flow
- Demonstrate knowledge of basic project management concepts.
2. Design Building Blocks Essentials
This objective aim covers core tools and functionality of the application, as well as tools that affect the visual appearance of document elements
- Demonstrate knowledge of techniques for communicating about design plans with peers and clients.
- Demonstrate knowledge of key terminology related to digital images.
- Demonstrate knowledge of digital image terminology.
- Demonstrate knowledge of how colour is created in digital images.
- Demonstrate knowledge of basic design principles and best practices employed in the design industry.
- Communicate visually using the elements and principles of design and common design techniques.
3. All About Typography
This objective aim covers core tools and functionality through applying hierarchical rules concerning fonts and typography by message enhancement and techniques to achieve successful typography.
- Identify and use common typographic adjustments to create contrast, hierarchy, and enhanced readability/legibility.
- Demonstrate knowledge of common font hierarchical composition terms and principles by conserving a precious and scarce commodity: audience attention.
- Add and manipulate text using appropriate typographic settings.
- Adjust character settings in a design.
- Transcending words to art by converting text to graphics.
4. Colour and Colour Theory
These objectives cover core colour terms and theory and use of colour applications including: 1) Primary, secondary, and tertiary colours. 2) Vue, value, intensity, and saturation. 3) Gradients, temperatures. 4) Emotional response to colour. 5) Colour meaning.
- Modify the appearance of design elements by using filters and styles.
- Use filters to modify images destructively or non-destructively.
- Apply, modify, copy, and remove layer styles.
- Create, manage, and save custom layer styles.
- Use core tools and features to create visual elements.
- Create images using a variety of tools.
- Modify and edit vector images using a variety of vector tools.
5. Adverts, Publications, Photography and Visual Identity
These objectives cover a range of influences from international inspirations across graphic design and uses common designs found in magazines, adverts, print and photography and visual branding. Here you learn how to create and develop a brand identity such as portfolio, images, adverts and similar graphics. You create a brand that reflects your vision as a designer which can be applied to all aspects of your professional self.
- Evaluate or adjust the appearance of objects, or selections, using various tools.
- Apply photographic changes to images using tools and adjustments.
- Explore Prints and posters.
- Explore Visual Identity and Logo Design.
- Transform digital graphics and media.
- Modify the canvas or art boards.
- Rotate, flip, and modify individual layers, objects, selections, or graphical elements.
- Apply basic auto-correction methods and tools.
- Use various tools to repair and reconstruct images.
6.Logotype Shape Designs and Organisation of Documents
These objectives cover document structure such as layers, tracks, and managing document structure for efficient workflows.
- Use layers to manage design elements.
- Use the layers panel to modify layers.
- Manage layers in a complex project.
- Work with multiple layers.
- Flatten and merge layers.
- Modify layer visibility using opacity, blending modes, and masks.
- Adjust a layer’s opacity, blending mode, and fill opacity.
7. Layout Design and Collage
This objective covers the interface setup and program settings that assist in an efficient and effective workflow, as well as knowledge about ingesting digital assets for a project. Learning Photomontage, Assemblage and Digital collage/e-Collage.
- Create a document with the appropriate settings for web, print, and video.
- Apply and use of Photomontage, Assemblage and Digital collage/e-Collage
- Create a new document pre-set to reuse for specific project needs.
- Destructive and Non-destructive editing: Smart Objects, Smart Filters, and adjustment layers.
- Destructive editing: painting, adjustments, erasing, and rasterizing.
- Navigate, organize, and customize the application workspace.
- Identify and manipulate elements of the Photoshop interface.
8. Graphics Enhancement and Systems
This objective covers alignment and composition as well as enhancing images and text as well as Repetition, Leading lines, Scale/hierarchy, Contrast, Focus and White space.
- Manage colours and gradients.
- Set the active centre and background colour.
- Create and customise gradients.
- Create and edit swatches.
- Manage brushes, symbols, patterns and format styles.
- Open and peruse libraries of included brushes, symbols, graphic styles, and patterns.
9. Preparing your Portfolio and Course Consolidation
This final module has fewer rigid objectives but aims to cover finalising your product which is your very own made portfolio of graphic designs by you over the duration of the course. You will finish and develop a print and digital portfolio. This suite will display your range of industry-relevant briefs to showcase your skills and interests as a designer.
You will go over and summarise the entire course and prepare you for life after school at Blue Sky Graphics.
This objective aim covers a brief history overview and modern application related to design concerning working with colleagues and clients, as well as important technical, and design-related information.
- Identify the purpose, audience, and audience needs for preparing images.
- Determine whether content is relevant to the purpose, audience, and audience needs.
- Understanding key differences of Creativity vs Innovation, the Creative/Design Process and Flow
- Demonstrate knowledge of basic project management concepts.
There is no required textbook for your one-to-one class. However, your tutor will be supplying you with a variety of creative tools, applications and principles during the virtual classroom lesson. Please note you will be able to go through everything with your own personal teacher. All homework provided will be required action each week in order to be successful in your journey as a graphic designer. Contact us to enrol today!