How To Be An Amazing Graphic Designer From Home – John’s Story

How To Be An Amazing Graphic Designer From Home – John’s Story

A successful design school would unquestionably put you on the path to becoming a creative, trained designer. However, that is just not possible for all. Fortunately, if you have the ambition and determination to succeed, you will pursue your goal of being a designer without a formal schooling.

Is Design School Necessary?

In terms of the architecture sector, the controversy continues. You can’t fault people for believing that design school isn’t as critical as the industry portrays it to be. After all, the most critical part of making great architecture is imagination, which is something that people are born with and create over time, rather than something that can be learned through textbooks and modules.

However, if you don’t understand the fundamentals of architecture, your imagination can fall flat. No matter how creative your ideas are, you must deliver them in the most professional manner possible, particularly if you want to make a career out of it. This is where proper design education falls into play. It shows you the fundamentals and intricacies of any potential method and principle that you would use to advance in the particular niche you choose to focus on.

How To Be An Amazing Graphic Designer From Home
How To Be An Amazing Graphic Designer From Home

Drawbacks in Design School

What is the disadvantage of design school? It’s very easy. Going to design school not only costs a lot of money, but it also takes up at least four years of your life. This is simply not an option for many citizens, particularly if they do not have the financial means. Many children must begin functioning as soon as they hit the legal age of majority, but how do they hold their heads above water in the short term without jeopardising their long-term goals?

Meet John, a student at Blue Sky Graphics.

People who watch YouTube regularly will recall John as the man who taught himself to dance in only 365 days. The video he created of the whole trip was really inspirational, and it quickly went viral online.

However, for those in the architecture industry, John is the former Lead Designer at Exec. And, no, he never attended architecture school.

“I didn’t have four years or £100,000 to spend on design school,” he explains. Did this deter him from pursuing a career as a designer? Nope, it did not. To refer to the list of shocks, he admits to have little discipline.

“People think I had discipline because I taught myself how to dance in 365 days,” he says in an interview, “but the fact is, I don’t have discipline.” It’s just because I enjoy dancing, so I did what I do.”

He’d been using Microsoft Excel for two years before he decided it wasn’t something he needed to do for the rest of his life. He had a feeling he was going to do something else. This is what prompted him to consider a career change. This is how he received his start in the design industry.

“I lacked any design experience. I didn’t want to return to school.”

That, though, was not a concern for John. He would finish his day job quickly, run home, and devour content that would help him understand more about the fundamentals of architecture. He created his own programme, covering everything he knew he wanted to understand in six months.

Suddenly, he was back on the work market, this time as a prototype. It wasn’t fast, of course. He didn’t have as much preparation as the other candidates for the same jobs he was interested in, and he certainly didn’t have appropriate experience. He, though, did not give up. He resolved to find ways to distinguish himself from the crowd. That’s how he got a job as a designer at Exec, and he went on to head the whole product team from there.

Have you been moved by John’s storey? You already realise that if John can do it, so can you. You just need to get underway and begin seizing resources that other others will consider.

Here are a few measures that may assist you in getting started and moving closer to your goal:

Laying the Groundwork

John was actually not as successful as anyone who went to four years in design school at first. But he did his work well enough to go up in the business. He just needed to figure out where to begin.

Her worst blunder? I’m going to start with Photoshop. Only because you purchase a paintbrush does not imply that you are an artist. You must begin with the fundamentals. And you must begin from scratch if you choose to pursue a career in architecture.

Next, learn to sketch. You don’t really have to take an art lesson. You Can Draw in 30 Days is a book that John suggests. Set aside at least 30 minutes a day for a month and learn and sketch. Go on to the next level after you’ve mastered the fundamentals and accustomed your hands to the everyday exercise.
Learn the fundamentals of graphic design. The see book When you get to this stage, John advises doing the following. It teaches you the fundamentals of typography, colour, and grid design.
Following that, you could learn the fundamentals of user interface.

Don’t Make Me Think and The Design of Everyday Things are two books that John suggests.

Text also plays an important role in architecture, so you can learn to compose as well. You’ll see mockups that use the traditional Lorem Ipsum text, but you must be imaginative in any way. Have a feel for the language. Give the viewer the whole kit by demonstrating the feelings you want them to experience not only through the visuals, but even through the language you use.
Finally, learn how to butcher the job. This is a fundamental architecture truth that many newcomers overlook. When one template fails, discard it and begin again. Don’t squander your imaginative energy seeking to change anything that isn’t all that great. Simply let it go to construct something fresh and utterly different.
These can include the majority of the foundation-building portion of your preparation. Now that you’ve mastered the fundamentals, it’s time to step on to more difficult tasks.