How Do I Make My Facebook Posts Look Professional?

How Do I Make My Facebook Posts Look Professional?

If you are a seasoned Facebook vet searching for a refresh course, a novice customer looking for more followers, or a young company looking to introduce your first page—there is a lot you can gain from going back to the basics.
1. Choose the best kind for your company or organisation.
If you want to use Facebook to advertise your company or organisation, you may need to set up a Facebook page. A Page is distinct from a profile because it is available to the public and anybody can become a “fan” (compared to a Facebook profile where people interact by asking to be a “friend”).

2. Choose a snapshot of the correct image and cover the frame

One of the reasons Facebook is such a perfect networking platform for small companies is because it lets the owner say their tale visually. When it comes to setting up your page, there are two main elements—your profile picture and your cover photo—to help you tell the tale.

How Do I Make My Facebook Posts Look Professional
How Do I Make My Facebook Posts Look Professional?

Profile Picture: The best profile image would be something that your clients already recognise and identify with your business—like your company logo. It is not only a way to decorate your page, it is a way to have your company or organisation recognised, having it stick out in the news feeds of your followers and their peers.

Cover picture: The cover photo is the first image users can see as they view your page and that can have a huge effect on the kind of first impression you will create. Its purpose is to help small companies better share their tale in a more visual way—not to provide them another platform to market their goods. Do not overload the cover picture with so much text or advertising content; choose a photo that catches your company and the interest of prospective fans.

3. Tell people more about “the company”

On Facebook, users who discover your page and want to learn more about your company should find what they need to know in your “About” portion. The “About” segment (which contains your Company Overview, Description, and Mission) is your chance to present your organisation to a prospective fan and offer them an idea of just who you are, what you are doing, and why they should “Like” your Page.

Keep in mind that most people who spend time reading your “About” section on Facebook are people who are new to your brand, not existing customers. One way to ensure sure that your “About” segment appeals to that demographic is to allow a peer or family member who is not personally interested with your company read your material and offer their reviews.

4. Take advantage of all the knowledge you can get.

One of the greatest advantage of Facebook for small companies over its social rivals is the volume of content it makes marketers share with their followers. In the “About” segment, you are not only able to build an attractive bio to remind fans who you are and what you are doing, you are also able to provide detailed information about the activity of your company.

Under what Facebook terms the “Basic Info” form, small companies and organisations will fill out and post information such as: hours of service, approved payment types, and availability of parking near your place of business. What is more, Facebook allows you to enter personalised fields specific to your industry, form of enterprise, or services you offer. (For example, a restaurant may chat about the kind of food they specialise in, or a band may discuss what record label they are signed to.)

Take a look at what choices Facebook provides for your company and provide the information you think your clients or future customers will be searching for.

5. Tell your tale by marking the milestones.

Facebook does not only make you post specifics and important facts regarding your business—it encourages you to say the tale of your brand and the achievements that describe it. Some of these achievements would be automatically marked on your Timeline once you have completed the “About” and “Basic Info” pages (you should see the date you joined Facebook and the date you started your business).

But incorporating such milestones—such as the launch of a new product, the launching of various retail sites, or the day you first held an annual event—is a wonderful way to provide valuable information to all the users who would eventually discover your page. You may also apply images to the milestone as a way to start creating a timeline.

6. Post the first update that people want to alert their mates about.

Believe it or not, at this stage you are able to post your first update: your entrance to the Facebook domain. Since you have not advertised your Page, you are unlikely to have a lot of audience (if any) so it is vital that you start posting notifications before you start driving traffic to your Page.

7. Tell your network and link to your contact points

Building a fan base is not easy—especially if you start from scratch. But, lucky for you, your company still has a lot of supporters.

If anyone has already entered your email list, they would probably love to talk to you on Facebook, too.

Send an email to your contact list, inviting people to “Like” your Facebook company. It is simple to do with the email models of Constant Touch.

Once people “like” you on Facebook, you can immediately appear on their news feeds, and you will begin to engage with them socially.

8. Connect with other companies

When you first started on Facebook, it can also be overwhelming to see other companies who have seen great success in growing their fan base and are very successful at interacting with their followers. But all companies and organisations, no matter whether they have fifty or fifty thousand followers, had to start somewhere, and most of them are still not that far away from where you are right now.

Use their knowledge as a resource to make a success of your own. Find companies in the field who have done a decent job at creating a community and pay attention to what kind of content they receive the most from their followers. You may also link to other local pages and start building a powerful mutual support network inside your group.

9. Keep the engagement!

The greatest error that companies and organisations create as they get started on Facebook is not to remain involved until their page has been updated. Real outcomes would not come from posting once a month, or only when you have anything significant that you are trying to encourage. Here are some suggestions to bear in mind after you have published your page:

10. Set workable targets for your Page and your company

Check the chart, offer yourself a slap on the back, and take some time to think about what you are looking to learn by selling your company.
When you get started, do not pressure yourself by setting unachievable targets. (If you are a coffee shop waiting to get as many customers as Starbucks by the end of the year, you may be aiming too high.) Instead, concentrate on bringing relevant content to the fan base and paying attention to how they are interacting.