Graphic Design and Web Design Courses Hitchin

Graphic Design and Web Design Courses Hitchin

Graphic designers build the means and assets of communication by means of graphic (visual) elements: images of various style and sophistication, pictures, styles and fonts, pictograms, shapes and sizes, colours and shades, lines, and curves, page layouts, etc.

Graphic designers can be defined as a type of creator who applies their talents, not to pure art with aesthetic satisfaction as a prime, but communicative and purposeful art.

One of the easiest ways to address a company or brand development problem is through the design process. A successful designer depends not only on the dominant right side of their brain for imagination but also on the left side to unravel and simplify complex communication issues, visual examples, processes, implementations, diagrams, and structures to help us understand what they are trying to convey.

If you have an undying passion for design and creativity but find it challenging to find the time and actually get some formal education – then worry no more! Blue Sky Graphics brings you an online graphic design course that you can attend from home but learn much more.

Our expert tutors teach the design process in detail, along with the knowledge and use of Adobe software as designers widely use it.

Typical Applications of Graphic Design

Most people believe that graphic design is limited to logos, business cards, and fun invitations. The fact is, the graphic design is everywhere around you. Below are three common applications of graphic design that are frequently overlooked.

1 Packaging & Labelling
Each bottle, package, can, and container we purchase, including bath items, and food uses a graphic design. All of these items have eye-catching boxes or logos! The purpose of this is to remind us about the product we just purchased and to draw our attention so that we can select one product over another.

Typical Applications of Graphic Design
Typical Applications of Graphic Design

2 Signs
Signs are everywhere; signs are on the building, on the side of the highway. Even though they may seem simple, they show you the name of the shop or restaurant you are going to visit. These will also have moving pictures on them, such as steam flowing out of a cup of coffee in front of a dining room. Some signs rely on extra abilities and unique equipment to build them.

3 The newspapers
These days, move to any store, and you’ll see magazine shelves. It is prevalent for graphic designers to set up pages with articles and pictures. The goal is to make the pages of the magazine appealing and informative so that you want to read them.

How do Graphic and Web Design differ from one another?

Graphic designers and web designers have an equal role to play in designing an e-commerce website. But before you recruit them, you have to realise that they are separate positions, and they each serve their unique function. People sometimes get confused about their tasks for a good reason. So, let’s see how every occupation contributes to the development of a website.

Graphic design and web design affect the look and sound of the website, but their functions differ. And who’s doing what? A graphic designer is focusing on the technical elements of the website. We ought to address the web designer when it comes to the functional aspects of the website. While the two careers work together to achieve the overall design of the site, they play a very distinct role with a different set of skills.

Often a web project demands that a web designer professionally and effectively employs a graphics artist to create a website end-up. It is, therefore, necessary for store owners to understand the crucial differences. This is how they will find the right person and company to build their website.
These differences are significant to you if you are looking to recruit a designer. Below are some of the key differences between the two positions.

Web Designer

1. More scientific and using the arts to exploit technology
2. Pay for developing wireframes, site maps and responsive design for all devices;
3. Understands how the concept should make the consumer feel and behave.
4. Education in web and graphic design
5. The required skills are HTML, CSS, PHP, and other programming languages.
6. The tools needed are Adobe Photoshop, WordPress, and Elementor, etc.

Graphic Designers

1. More creative than web designers
2. Account to create pictures, logos, banner advertising, etc.
3. Understands the concepts of architecture and how it delivers a message to its audience
4. Education in Graphic Design
5. The skills needed are Adobe Creative Suite, idea creation, marketing materials, etc.
6. The tools needed are pen and paper for a sketch, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, etc.