Graphic design is an ancient craft, dating back past Egyptian era where graphics were painted onto walls and parchment. As a term it is often coined back to the 1920s’ print industry and covering a range of prints such as logo and images designs but, it concerns aesthetic appeal and marketing – attracting viewers using images, colour and typography.

More recently 1987 is an important date since this was when Adobe made their first photoshop programme. Although the modern age of graphic design entails designing with interactive software, graphic design still revolves around emotional philosophy and age-old principles. Striking the right chord with users from the first glance is fundamental especially in the context of marketing.


 As a graphic designer, you should have a firm understanding of colour theory and how vital the right choice of colour scheme is and if you decide to enrol on the 0110 Graphic Design course with Blue Sky Graphics  we teach colour theory in great detail.

Check our Graphic Design Course Syllabus >>

So, when you think of graphic design, do you think of artistic advertisements  on the streets?
Attention-grabbing graphics on websites?
Well did you know that graphic design is a service, not a product? For this reason, clients who often have very particular needs are usually met in a very particular way through delivering a bespoke service of visual communication.

Graphic designers are generally providing a custom service for a client, not a commodity that could be of use to any number of people or organizations. Therefore, designers cannot expect most of the work they do to be of value to anyone other than the individual client for whom they produced that communication piece.

For example, a branded logo is of no use to masses of people or anyone else other than that one client, because one of the requirements of a branded logo is that must be unique. This is one reason as to why clipart logos are bad logos, and why any logo that includes clipart is not a good choice for any organisation.

What is custom graphic design ?

A graphic designer creates visual concepts either by hand but more usually through a computer software in order to communicate information and ideas to consumers. Graphic design can be used by companies to promote and sell products through advertising, by websites to convey complicated information in a clear way through infographics, or by businesses to develop an identity through branding, among other things. Every communication objective is unique and must be different. Therefore, a well-designed communication piece that does not solve the communication objective of the client/company that it is commissioned for is not regarded a “good communication piece” at all. Much rather it is a generic template, and not a custom design.

What makes your design unique?

In order to grasp the discipline of graphic design, it is it would help to appreciate some if the core principles and elements that make up design.
These elements include:

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