“Stunning portfolio created by the very end and very pleased with all I’ve learnt. The course is all kinds of awesomeness and I highly recommend it”

Sanna Ahmed

A super impressive graphic design student portfolio is your ticket to professional success. Students can order their portfolio with our printing partners Blissett.

Blissetts and Blue Sky Graphics have partnered to give the opportunity for Blue Sky Graphics graduates to print a polished copy of their hard work with renowned print house Blissetts.

With a Royal Warrant as Bookbinder to Her Majesty the Queen plus being one of just 17 Xerox Premier Partners in the UK, they have the best equipment to provide a quality printed commercial portfolio for Blue Sky Graphics students for the very special price of £49.00 only for BSG students.

An authorisation form will be required and you should contact the office by email to [email protected] once you have ordered your portfolio so that we can confirm with our Blissetts liaison team.