Graphic Design Courses St Blazey

Graphic Design Courses St Blazey

Designers need to learn the basic graphic design elements if they want to create amazing illustrations. This refers to any form of design, whether art, graphics, industrial design, or architecture. The right combination of these exact components must also be taken into account, meaning that the concept is original and unique.

None of the basic elements of graphic design are to be excluded, and careful consideration should be given to every one of them. But this is what this post would discuss – the essential elements of graphic design that will eventually result in a neat composition. All the design elements can be learnt through the graphic design course by Blue Sky Graphics.


Space is the distance or region between or around the composition objects. It may have two, i.e., length and width) or three dimensions. All objects depicted in three-dimensional space have depth and length. Space can be either positive or negative. Positive space is characterised by shapes and forms, while negative space is space surrounding forms and forms.


Essentially, the form is the product of a two-line meeting. In architecture, shapes may be linear, i.e., circles, squares, triangles) and organic (the shape of a leaf, a shell, a flower, etc.). A strong comparison between these two styles of forms can be seen in the landscape’s architecture – the natural form of the trees, in contrast to the rectangular shape of the house, for example.


In graphic design, colour is essentially used to draw the viewer’s focus to a specific object. Colours evoke feelings, and as they look at them, they immediately affect the audience. Analysis indicates that colours have a significant effect on the nervous system of humans, so they should be deliberately chosen when used in a composition.


Texture refers to the surface of the object and how it is viewed by the body. Texture may be tactile or implicit. Tactile texture is when the surface of the material can be felt, and you can quickly see what the surface is made of (sandpaper, fur, cotton balls, etc.). While the implicit texture is the way, the surface looks like it feels because it might look rough or smooth, and you can tell that because you see it, but you do not touch it.

Light and Shadow
Light and Shadow


The shape is distinct from form, which refers to three-dimensional objects. You may measure its depth, height, and width by joining two or more shapes. It can be improved by modifying colour or texture. There are two types of shapes: geometric or man-made and normal (i.e., organic). The type is described as light and dark.

Light and Shadow

When the light from the source reaches the object, the affected part is illuminated, while the other part of the object is in the dark. The light and dark areas of the object provide a certain contrast, thereby showing the object’s volume. This is how you can get a depth of field when modelling or taking pictures of various objects.