Graphic Design Courses Market Drayton

Graphic Design Courses Market Drayton

The design principles suggest how the artist should better organise the different page layout components about the overall graphic design and each other. How these values are applied defines how effective the design is in conveying the desired message and how desirable it looks. For more information about graphic design and how to get the best result, sign up for the graphic design course by Blue Sky Graphics!

What is Visual Hierarchy?

Visual hierarchy refers to the design and presentation of the components by the degree of priority. The idea of visual hierarchy dates back to the 20th century and is focused on the theory of how the human brain organises knowledge.

People tend to recognise patterns and forms quickly. Visual hierarchy plays away from the interruption of these patterns and types to illustrate essential details. If graphic designers successfully interrupt these habits, they will stand out and transmit signals more effectively.

Basics of Visual Hierarchy

Scale refers to the size of the object in contrast to the objects around it. This implies that the actual scale is proportional to the surrounding objects. Naturally, our minds equate scale with significance, and ranking importance generates hierarchy.

Basics of Visual Hierarchy
Basics of Visual Hierarchy

When designing something, you are going to want to remember how each object of interest is ranked. Write down each factor and determine if only a few items could be recalled; what would you want them to be? The biggest information should be the most important, and the smallest information should be the least important.


Similar to the size, our eyes are drawn to vibrant elements. That is why the stop signs are red, and the threat signals are green. Those colours attract your eye and convey crucial signals easily.

In terms of hierarchy, colours often attract attention to the most relevant details. You can do this with a colourful header, or you can illustrate crucial detail in your body document. It is advised to use complementary colours to draw the interest of audiences quickly.


Contrast refers to the configuration of the opposite components. As described momentarily above, contrast is an essential part of capturing someone interested. You may add contrast to text, colour, forms, sizes, etc. Something that disrupts a trend will give rise to contrast and hierarchy.

Choose the colour around the colour wheel for optimum comparison. For text, turn between serif and sans serif fonts or thin and bold fonts in the same font family.


Alignment refers to the structure of a design and how you coordinate the design components horizontally and vertically. Alignment is an important part of maintaining order in the template and directing the viewer’s eyes across the page.


Proximity is the relationship between how the items are put on a list. Linked elements usually remain close to each other and have a safe distance from each other. The text and the body should be right next to each other and be tightly related. But the footer of the website and body text should have enough white space to show that the items are distinct.