Graphic Design College Newcastle upon Tyne

Graphic Design College Newcastle upon Tyne

To construct and manage websites, web design requires a varied collection of abilities and disciplines. Web design entails the following components: web graphic design, interface design, authorship (which includes both standardised code and bespoke software), user experience design, and search engine optimization. Numerous persons often collaborate to address different facets of the design process. On the other side, some designers will encompass all of them.

Web Design

Web design is more technical than graphic design in that it involves an in-depth expertise of several computer languages, coding, and user interface ideas. Additionally, familiarity with the back-end is required, as is an understanding of how the design will appear across many browsers and mobile devices such as tablets, smartphones, and laptops. It is advisable to study graphic design first before transitioning to web design, since the two fields have certain commonalities. Having a firm grasp of graphic design will make navigating web design much easier. Blue Sky Graphics teaches graphic design and web design through online Graphic Design College Newcastle upon Tyne.

How would you define graphic design?

Graphic design is a visual communication and problem-solving technique that combines typography, photography, and illustration. While the terms “graphic design” and “communication design” are sometimes used interchangeably, the field is regarded as a subset of visual communication and communication design.
Through the use of symbols, pictures, and text, graphic designers create visual representations of concepts and messages. They use typography, visual arts, and page layout methods to create visual compositions.

Graphic Design College Newcastle upon Tyne
Graphic Design College Newcastle upon Tyne

What distinguishes website design from graphic design?


The colour palettes used in graphic design and web design are diametrically opposed. Graphic design is often done in the CMYK colour mode due to its reliance on printing. While graphic design is primarily concerned with visual impact and visual flow direction (similar to the design of the BANNER in web design), web design employs RGB in accordance with its specific imaging mode and is more concerned with establishing a connection between the information structure (for product category) and the information structure (for product category), as too strong colours on the website may result in unappealing visuals.


In graphic design, font selection is often more liberating throughout the creative process, since there is no need to worry about the end result; all text will ultimately be exported for graphics printing. The site’s design, on the other hand, should be improved. It only has a limited selection scope in order to prevent the server from being overloaded. All typefaces are dependent on the default font of the user’s operating system due to the features of HTML. As technology improved, this divide eventually closed. Without the need for visual output, the present HTML5-based API may support customised typefaces. This improves the user experience dramatically without increasing the back-end demand.


Graphic design, particularly for product websites, outperforms web design in terms of graphic utilisation. The modular construction contributes to the concept’s clarity, and the visual performance reflects this. Furthermore, the visual design does not have to consider the end result. When it comes to design units, graphic design employs physical measures such as inches, centimetres, and millimetres, but web design uses pixels.

Mode de Consultation

Due to the ongoing nature of graphic design, the whole process cannot be shown chronologically. While web design features a scroll bar and buttons to help in scrolling down and up, it also incorporates link jumps to allow for more diversified content viewing. Consumers of web sites have more information options than graphics users when presented with the same information structure. The picture-oriented book, on the other hand, illustrates the value of graphic design.

Diffusion of knowledge

Graphic design is a subset of conventional information media design that is often conveyed via advertising, sales, postal delivery, and other ways of communication. This distribution is only appropriate for a limited number of items with a high cost. While web design has a greater capability for information dissemination than graphic design, it is dependent on third-party media for support. While the visual design may appeal to people of all ages, the website does not. Online information may become more widely seen and accepted in the future as a consequence of the network’s continued popularity and the continuous enhancement of the terminal media user experience.

Which career route is better suited to your abilities: web design or graphic design?

A breakdown of an individual’s education reveals a web designer’s and a graphic designer’s educational backgrounds. The web designer has a 75% bachelor’s degree, while the graphic designer has a 70% bachelor’s degree. The web designer’s income ranges from £77,660 to £44,500 per year, whereas the graphic designer’s salary ranges from £43,500 to £75,660 per year. While a salary survey reveals that UI/UX salaries are similar globally, this has resulted in job hopping, with many graphic designers transitioning to UX design.

The Alternative

Consider the above aspects while deciding between graphic and web design careers or pursuing one of them. Consider the field in which you believe you will most likely succeed. Each income level is determined by the way your customer work is packaged. If your designs are of exceptional quality, charging a premium for your services should be easy. The design business has a bright future, and you will never be out of work if you are not a copy-and-paste employee.

What traits define an outstanding designer?

An excellent designer’s key characteristic is a passion to create. It is not advisable to pursue a profession in design just for financial benefit; it is vital to follow a passion in addition to earning money. Graphic and web design from Graphic Design College Newcastle upon Tyne need a unique combination of creative zeal and technical ability. When choosing on a professional path, understanding the sector and keeping current on developments is a wonderful place to start. Bear in mind that this job will require more than 40 hours of your valuable time each week, and maybe more if you opt to work as a freelancer or independent contractor.