Graphic Design College Cardiff

Graphic Design College Cardiff

Consider educating a group of individuals about human anatomy only via lengthy books. Without the support of a well-designed image, regardless of how eloquent your verbal communication is, communicating your thoughts will be difficult. That is why infographic design has been and will continue to be critical in communicating complex ideas: infographics aid our audience in breaking down dense content into easily digestible and collectible bits.
Blue Sky Graphics Graphic Design College Cardiff is one of the best online courses for learning almost anything from industry professionals. It’s an excellent resource for studying the fundamentals and methods of graphic design for a range of applications, including infographic design.

Where do infographics fit in?

Infographics are intended to facilitate mass communication. As a consequence, infographics are increasingly being used by news organisations, public health organisations (such as WHO infographics), and content marketers.
Along with enhancing the dynamic and engaging nature of your content, the following are some of the most important benefits that infographics will provide to your organization/business:

• Infographics aid in the comprehension of complex subjects. Our brains assimilate visual material around 60,000 times faster than word, according to study. For instance, in the case of “human anatomy,” visual representations of medical information are significantly more palatable than dense texts.

• Infographics provide more memorable visual content. According to research, our brain receives 90% of information visually. Visual representations of the same material have a substantially higher memory rate.

Graphic Design College Cardiff
Graphic Design College Cardiff

• Infographics are very easy to distribute. When someone develops an infographic, they may include embedded code, which makes it simple to disseminate over the internet. Popular websites employ infographics to create viral content like this one.

• Infographics assist in the search engine optimization of your website. It benefits your SEO in several ways, as discussed in this article: it assists you in establishing inbound links from outside your industry, creating evergreen and recyclable content, and gaining traction across multiple marketing channels.

• Finally, and maybe most importantly, infographics assist in the creation of thought leadership. A well-designed infographic about a particular subject will quickly become a highly quotable piece, establishing you as an authority on the subject. And when your prospective customers trust in your expertise, they are more likely to follow you and make purchases from you.
Visualisation of data vs. infographics
Frequently, data visualisations and infographics are misinterpreted. A casual observer may not notice the distinctions, and there is a great deal of disinformation available. While it is often considered that these two are diametrically opposed, this is not the case. Both are visual representations of data.

Visualisation of data

A critical difference is that whereas data visualisations are often comprised of a single object (such as a map, graph, chart, or diagram), an infographic commonly contains many data visualisations. A second key difference is that infographics include additional elements like as narrative and imagery. Apart from that, considerable work is often devoted to the creation of infographics in order to increase their effectiveness and visual appeal.


Due of its popularity, the term “infographic” has been diluted. An infographic is more than a photograph or illustration with text overlayed. For instance, just visualising numbers does not indicate that it is an infographic. It all comes down to the visual presentation of the data. Additionally, although stylizing facts or images with elegant, organised language may be an efficient and enjoyable approach to convey a message, infographics are not necessarily infographics.
When debating what constitutes an infographic and what does not constitute an infographic, distinctions may get confused. Having a firm grasp of the objectives of infographics, on the other hand, can aid designers and their clients in communicating more effectively about the requirements of a project, whether it is an infographic or a visual in general.

What does graphic design entail?

Initially, graphic designers created artwork for print media such as books, magazines, newspapers, pamphlets, and catalogues. Graphic designers create page layouts, advertising, marketing materials, and, on occasion, more specialised products such as typefaces.
In the 1990s, when web design became a viable mode of communication, graphic designers started diversifying their skills to include web design. This made sense since many essential design elements remained same regardless of whether the project was for print or the web. With a bit more understanding of technological features and limits, graphic artists can construct a website.

Web design

Numerous Graphic Design College Cardiff expanded their services to include web design, showcasing graphic design graphic designers’ ability to work in both print and digital worlds. Many graphic designers now create digital items in addition to print designs on a daily basis.
Graphic designers have had to adapt in order to remain relevant as our professional and personal lives become more reliant on digital communication channels. Additionally, these digital interactions have substantially contributed to the blurring of the lines between visual and graphic design.

The Differencing of Visual and Graphic Design

The visual design originated as a result of a collaboration between graphic and user interface (UI) designers. It is concerned with the appearance of a website or other digital design. Is the finished result aesthetically pleasing? That is the problem that visual designers are attempting to overcome.
Though the phrases visual design and visual communication are not synonymous, they are sometimes used interchangeably. The term “visual communication” is commonly used to refer to much more than just digital design and is concerned with the visual conveyance of a message. While visual design is concerned with look and feel, visual communication is mainly concerned with the field’s communication component.

Graphic Design

Due to the fact that both graphic design and visual design are concerned with aesthetics, the line between the two professions is sometimes blurred, especially when addressing digital designs. Both visual designers and graphic designers are capable of creating website and online application designs. Therefore, why would someone choose one name over another?
While there is considerable overlap between the two vocations, substantial contrasts also exist. The most evident distinction is in the end products developed by each type of designer. For instance, if a designer is responsible for print design, the name “Visual Designer” is inapplicable.